Chat with all
you cs buddies in the new 40cal chatroom. No
registration is required. Just type in your cs name and
start chatting with friends.
The new 40cal myspace is hot!
click the button and get to know all your fellow cs'ers
on a more personalized level. 40cal is proud to have
this cool addition! Add us to your myspace today!
40cal also has
chickenmod installed.
Be a jerk and get the ultimate reward
of being turned into a chicken! Bok!
Please help support
40cal by making
a donation today! All donations go to
the cost and up keep of the servers!
California -[.40 cal ]-
California -[.40 cal ]-
California -[.40 cal ]- HALO!
-[.40 cal ]- GUNGAME!
California -[.40 cal ]- CALL OF
DUTY! :27019
-[.40 cal ]- DEATHMATCH!
California -[.40 cal ]- WARCRAFT3!
California -[.40 cal ]-
California -[.40 cal ]- SCRIMS!
All regulars may scrim in our
scrim server!
Post a
challenge today!
Welcome to the California
-[.40 cal ]- servers. We offer a variety of games
such as counterstrike Warcraft3 Deathmatch
Juggernaut Flame-tag Gungame KZ Jump Surf and more. Once in the game ,
you will experience one of the most friendliest
gaming communities of all time. While in the game,
you may navigate to any of our 8 servers by typing /servers without exiting the
40cal offers something
that most other clans don't. We allow our regulars
to scrim with us in our elite server. here at 40cal,
it's all about fun for everybody. Do you think you
got what it takes to scrim? Post a challenge in our
forum today!
40 cal is
basically a family community. We are not just
a group of people who labeled ourselves. We are a
growing community that serves a purpose, and that pupose is a well built
family and brotherhood. Some people are not dedicated to a
server. Our goal is to create a safe and
clean enviornment for all players no matter what
age can play in. We are unique compaired to most
servers.We have admins who constantly do there best
to make sure people who play here are happy. Not
only are those admins great at what they do...they
do their job with a passion and dedication. The
reason we do this is because we care. We have
many people who apply each week and
they see how we treat each other within our
community. Regulars are not beneath members. We are
all family. We have asked many regulars what
they like about us and why they continue to play on
our servers everyday. They all say the same thing!
"we love it here" I think the standards we have set
are what other clans and groups can only dream of
carrying out. We are well organized and deeply
caring about keeping our servers well kept up and
watched over. if you wish to be a part of our gaming
community. please post an app today!
Welcome to -[.40 cal ]-
Enjoy the servers!
Have Fun!
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